
Be A Better YOU With AI

10xYOU: Streamlining Holiday Planning with AI

Chapter 73: Holidays Already?

How AI Can Help You Enjoy Stress-Free, Well-Planned Holidays

Hey folks!

Ben wants me to apologize to you all.

He missed the deadline on Monday's chapter, since he got stuck in a flight delay.

So, never fear, you'll hear from him on Monday.

Don't forget. If you are interested in his book, Write a Book In One Day, you can grab a copy here.


Thanks so much for the awesome feedback! We are all really happy that you love what we are putting out!

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It's that time of year again.

You know, that time of year when every holiday overlaps?

Halloween. Thanksgiving. Christmas, New Years, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah. Even Festivus.

The holiday season is one of the best times of the year—but let’s be honest, it can also be one of the most chaotic.

Between juggling work deadlines, social events, and travel plans, staying productive can feel like an uphill battle. When you add gift shopping, meal planning, and holiday prep into the mix, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed.

For many of us, the stress of holiday logistics creeps into our workdays, disrupting focus and productivity.

But here’s the good news: AI can help you regain control.


The holiday season should be a time for relaxation and celebration, but the stress of managing everything can take a toll on your productivity and well-being. Trying to juggle work deadlines, social events, and gift shopping often leads to burnout. That’s where AI can help—by automating time-consuming tasks and offering smart suggestions, AI tools can reduce your holiday stress and give you back your time. The goal? A well-planned holiday season where everything runs smoothly, and you actually get to savor the moments that matter.


Meet Ellie, a marketing manager with a packed schedule who dreaded the chaos of holiday planning. In previous years, she’d find herself scrambling to buy gifts at the last minute, coordinating travel plans at the eleventh hour, and stressing over holiday menus. Last year, Ellie decided to use AI to make things easier. She used a virtual assistant to set reminders and track her gift list, an AI-powered travel app to find the best flights and accommodations, and a meal-planning tool to organize holiday dinners. With AI’s help, Ellie managed to pull off her holiday prep early, leaving her time to relax, connect with loved ones, and fully enjoy the season.

How AI Can Streamline Your Holiday Planning:

  1. Organize and Track Gift Shopping: Keeping track of everyone on your gift list can be a challenge. AI-powered shopping apps like Gift Genius or Santa’s Bag help you manage your gift list, set budgets, and even suggest gift ideas based on recipients' interests. Some tools allow you to track shipping statuses and send reminders for last-minute shopping deals.
  2. Simplify Meal Planning and Prep: AI meal-planning apps like Yummly or Whisk can take the stress out of holiday cooking by suggesting festive recipes based on your preferences and dietary needs. These tools generate shopping lists, adjust portion sizes, and even offer step-by-step cooking guidance. If you’re hosting a potluck, AI tools can help coordinate dishes among guests to avoid duplication.
  3. Coordinate Travel Plans: Finding the best travel deals and coordinating plans can be time-consuming. AI-powered travel platforms like Hopper or Skyscanner analyze prices in real time and alert you when it’s the best time to book flights and hotels. AI can also help optimize itineraries by suggesting activities and routes that fit your schedule.
  4. Manage Holiday Cards and Invitations: Whether you’re sending out holiday cards or organizing a holiday party, AI can simplify the process. Services like Postable can generate and mail personalized holiday cards for you. For events, AI tools like Evite can send digital invitations, track RSVPs, and suggest dates that work best for your guests.
  5. Stay Organized with Virtual Assistants: Virtual assistants like Google Assistant or Alexa can help keep you on top of holiday tasks. They can set reminders for when to send out cards, track your gift shipments, and manage your to-do list. With AI’s help, you can delegate some of the mental load and focus more on enjoying the season.

Having trouble figuring out what to get people? Let's see how our fav AI chatbot can help...

You: "Every year I struggle with holiday gifts. I leave it to the last minute, forget people, and end up overspending. Can AI really help me get my gift game under control?"

AI: "Absolutely! Let’s take a step-by-step approach to break this down. We can figure out who’s on your list, brainstorm meaningful gift ideas, and create a plan to spread out the tasks so it feels manageable. How does that sound?"

You: "That sounds good. Honestly, I always end up forgetting someone until it’s too late, which is embarrassing."

AI: "No problem! Let’s start by making a master list. Think of everyone you want to get gifts for—family, friends, colleagues, and anyone else. If it helps, I can prompt you with some categories, like ‘work contacts’ or ‘neighbors,’ to make sure no one slips through the cracks. Want to give that a try?"

You: "Sure, let’s do it."

AI: "Okay, let’s start with family. Who comes to mind? Parents, siblings, cousins?"

You: "My parents, two siblings, and my partner’s family. Oh, and my niece and nephew."

AI: "Great! Now let’s move to friends—do you usually give gifts to your close friends or any friend groups?"

You: "Yeah, I have a small group of friends I usually exchange gifts with. Maybe five people in total."

AI: "Perfect. Now, how about work? Any colleagues, clients, or your boss? Some people give smaller tokens of appreciation, like cards or treats, rather than big gifts. Do you have anyone at work you’d like to recognize?"

You: "Just a couple of colleagues, nothing major."

AI: "Got it! Now that we’ve built a master list, let’s talk about budgeting. Do you usually set a budget per person, or is that something you want help figuring out?"

You: "I try, but I usually end up spending more than I planned because I don't have a solid strategy."

AI: "Let’s try a simple approach. How about assigning a general budget range for different groups? For example, $50-$75 for family members, $25-$30 for friends, and smaller amounts—like $10-$15—for colleagues. We can tweak the numbers as we go, but this will give us a starting point. How does that sound?"

You: "That makes sense. It’ll help me keep things in check."

AI: "Awesome. Now let’s think about gift ideas. To avoid last-minute stress, try brainstorming a few ideas for each person. Start by thinking about their interests or hobbies. For example, does anyone in your family have a particular passion—like cooking, reading, or travel?"

You: "Hmm, my mom loves gardening, and my dad’s really into cooking these days."

AI: "Perfect! How about gifts that support those hobbies? For your mom, you could get her a new set of gardening tools or a subscription to a seed-of-the-month club. For your dad, maybe a cookbook from a chef he admires or a high-quality spice set. What do you think of those ideas?"

You: "I love those ideas! That’s much more personal than the gift cards I usually give."

AI: "Exactly! And here’s a pro tip: If you jot down ideas like these throughout the year, it makes holiday shopping a breeze. You can even create a little gift journal or a digital note to track ideas as they come to you."

You: "That’s a good idea. I always think of things mid-year and forget by December."

AI: "Exactly. Now, let’s talk timelines. One way to avoid last-minute stress is to spread out your shopping over a few weeks. You could tackle gifts for family this week, friends next week, and work contacts the following week. This way, it feels less overwhelming, and you won’t hit the holiday rush."

You: "That sounds much more manageable. I like the idea of breaking it up."

AI: "It works like a charm! And here’s one last tip: Keep a running list of what you’ve bought and what’s left to buy. That way, you don’t double-purchase or forget someone. You could also wrap gifts as you go—so by the time the holidays arrive, you’re already done!"

You: "I never thought about wrapping as I go. That would save so much time."

AI: "It’s a lifesaver! Plus, it’s way more fun to do it in small batches rather than cramming it all in the night before. So, with this plan in mind, do you feel more confident about handling your gift list this year?"

You: "Definitely! This approach feels way more organized and less stressful. I think I can actually enjoy the process this time."

AI: "That’s the goal! Planning ahead with a little help from AI makes the holiday season smoother, and you’ll have more time to enjoy the things that matter—like spending time with loved ones. Ready to start with that family list?"

You: "Yep, let’s get started!"

Even if you are one of those people who dreads hearing Christmas music right after Halloween, AI can definitely help you get you through the holidays.


So, my wonderful Wednesday crew, what did you think?

Ugh. Still working on it.

Any suggestions? Let me know

See you next week.

Nikola Harper, Editor, Workflow Wednesdays, 10xYOU

PS: You can always email me directly at

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